

And I’m excited that you are interested in establishing or improving your German language skills! I hope that you find my blog to be helpful in your journey.

My intentions for this blog are to:

  1. Provide myself with a quick-reference guide for German grammar rules anywhere I have internet access.
  2. Conveniently also provide the internet/my readers with a quick-reference guide for German grammar rules wherever they have internet access.
  3. Provide myself with a quick-reference list of all of my other online German-language-related resources.
  4. Conveniently also provide the internet/my readers with a quick-reference list of all other online German-language-related resources.
  5. Create a forum where people can share their lists of online (and offline) German-language-related resources and tips.
  6. Open myself up for criticism and correction from other people who are better at the grammar than I am– so I can continue learning and improving.
  7. Practice explaining complex grammatical concepts in an easy-to-understand way. (See Einstein, below)
  8. Make learning and remembering German (and all it’s crazy grammar) seem less scary.

And who am I, this internet personality “Frau Roboto”, to be teaching you German? I am a robot programmer who majored in German, along with Manufacturing Technology, in college. I have been studying the German language for, oh wow, a decade now. I have spent a total of about 6 months of my life in Germany or German-speaking countries, split between 4 different visits. At some point in the near future I want to go to grad school to learn how to teach English as a Foreign/Second Language to adult learners (Bonus points if those adult students are German).

Despite all of those years of study, I am by no means perfect when it comes to German! German grammar has always given me fits. I hated writing assignments because every time my paper would come back as red as it went in black. When I speak, I don’t always take the time to perfectly conjugate all of my adjective endings or articles; and I usually default to “-e” (mostly because I feel like you can pretend that I just slurred the “-er” or the “-en” or the “-es” or the “-em” if “-e” isn’t actually correct). I still have so much to learn (and so much to remember!); this is just my rather public way of doing that.

I’ll post another “Get to know Frau Roboto” post at some point, but that’s pretty much all you need to know about the blog and why it is the way it is.

Once I finish all of my posts about grammar, I may move on to teach other elements about the culture, traditions, towns and such, but my main focus at this point is creating a correct and concise quick-reference grammar guide.

I hope that you will find it to be a useful resource for all of the “down and dirty Deutsch grammar on the go”.

Alles Gute!

Frau Roboto

3 thoughts on “About

  1. Hallo,
    dein Blog ist klasse. Ich schaue mir gerade die Adjektivendungen an und mir fiel auf dass du den Fisch als neutrum behandelst. Es muss heissen: Das große Pferd isst den großen Fisch von dem großen Kind.
    Aber trotzdem ist deine Arbeit ausgezeichnet!!


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